Velferdsteknologi i helse- og oppvekstyrker: Digitalt kompetansebehov i yrkesfaglig utdanning

[Welfare technology in health care vocations: Digital competence needs in vocational education]


  • Solveig Dalehaug Havreberg OsloMet Storbyuniversitet, Norway
  • Ann Lisa Sylte OsloMet Storbyuniversitet, Norway



vocational digital-teacher-competence, relevant content and teaching, collaboration school – working life, internship


The fast-paced changes of the Western world community require vocational education and training (VET) that meets the future working-life needs for competence. One challenge in Norwegian health education is the lack of up-to-date teacher competence in welfare technology and digital competence. This article is based on a case study of how vocational teachers in health education programmes (HO) meet the future needs for competence in welfare technology. This research questions what can be changed in VET with these new technologies and how the technology challenges the vocational content of health and education work, and VET. This need for technological competence is also linked to the renewal of curriculum in Norwegian VET, which entails requirements for previous vocational specialisation. The study involved qualitative methods and development experiments. The results show examples of how vocational teachers and students at HO can meet the future needs for competence in welfare technology related to ethics. The results indicate the need for close collabo­ration between school and working life to meet the new technology-competence need in the content in both the HO education and the health care occupations. Didactical planned intern­ship in companies using welfare technology, were important for the participants learning about digital tools.

Author Biography

Ann Lisa Sylte, OsloMet Storbyuniversitet, Norway


1Havreberg, S. D.     Høgskolelektor, OsloMet

2 Sylte, A.L.                Dr./førsteamanuensis, OsloMet

1, 2 OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet, Fakultet for Lærerutdanning og internasjonale studier


Forfattere forholder seg til Vancouvers retningslinjer for medforfatterskap. SDH hadde ideen til forskningen og har vært ansvarlig for datainnsamlingen. SDH og ALS har hatt felles ansvar for analysearbeidet og utformingen av artikkelen.

Korresponderende forfatter: Solveig Dalehaug Havreberg



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How to Cite

Havreberg, S. D., & Sylte, A. L. (2021). Velferdsteknologi i helse- og oppvekstyrker: Digitalt kompetansebehov i yrkesfaglig utdanning: [Welfare technology in health care vocations: Digital competence needs in vocational education]. Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 11(1), 21–43.



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