Professionel identitetsudvikling gennem uddannelse til erhvervsskolelærer i en empirisk undersøgelse på en diplomuddannelse
[Developing professional identity during vocational teacher education]
Professional identity, vocational teacher, teacher education, case study, focus group interviewAbstract
New vocational teachers in Denmark already have an education when they become teachers. They also have several years of work experience. Regardless of educational background and employing college, they have to attend the same course when they are employed at a vocational college. It is mandatory to complete the Diploma of Education in four years. During that course, the teacher is in transition to become a professional vocational teacher. Drawing on theories of identity the aim is to analyse the development of a professional identity. The terms ‘professional identity’, ‘personal identity’ and ‘identity of the profession’ are defined.
The main finding is that vocational teachers develop new ways to act and think. They develop the professional identity in interaction with colleagues and students from other vocational colleges, but the development is individual.
The research project takes a qualitative approach. Four vocational colleges are selected as cases of maximum variations, and focus group interviews are conducted at each college.
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