Introducing a critical dialogical model for vocational teacher education
Vocational teacher education, theory and practice, critical hermeneutics, dialogue seminars, learning capitalAbstract
The purpose with this article is to conceptualise and present what is referred to as a critical dialogical model for vocational teacher education that takes into account the interaction between theory/research and practice/experiential knowledge. The theoretical framework for the model is based on critical hermeneutics and the methodology of dialogue seminars with the aim to promote the development of a ‘critical self’ among the vocational teacher students. The model enacts an interface between theory and practice where a number of processes are identified: a reflective-analogical process, a critical-analytical process and an interactive critical self-building process. In order to include a theoretical argument concerning the issue of content, the concept of ‘learning capital’ and its four sub-categories in terms of curricular capital, instructional capital, moral capital and venture capital is used. We point at content-related aspects of student learning and how a critical self has the potential to promote various kinds of ‘capital’ and capacity building that may be of importance in the future work-life of the vocational teacher student.
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