Simulation-based training in VET through the lens of a sociomaterial perspective
simulation, vocational education and training, teaching practice, sociomaterial perspectiveAbstract
This article aims to review the pedagogical research on simulation training in voca-tional education and training (VET) and to discuss the emerging teaching practice from a socio-material perspective on learning and practice. Literature reviews on research into simulation training with pedagogical interests show that there are three main themes: 1) the effect of technology-enhanced simulation training, 2) the fidelity and authenticity of simulation and learning, and 3) pedagogical consideration and under-pinnings. The article draws on a sociomaterial perspective on learning and practice to problematise and discuss the findings of previous research. This theoretical perspec-tive makes it possible to discuss how technology, educational practice and social rela-tions are intertwined and precondition each other.
Through the lens of sociomaterial theory, the article discusses how the introduction of the new technologies brings about changes and expectations of what can be learned, how the teaching practices are enacted and how this affects the relationship between teachers and students.
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