Transforming vocational education and training in Finland: Uses of developmental work research approach


  • Marianne Teräs Stockholm University



Developmental Work Research, Cultural-historical Activity Theory, Vocational Education and Training


Vocational education and training (VET) is under reform in many Nordic countries. This article explores uses of developmental work research (DWR) approach in reforming and transforming practices of VET. DWR was initiated in Finland in the 1980s to enhance understanding about learning in organizations. The aim of this article is to elaborate the approach by examining studies made in the field of professional and vocational education and training, and thus to examine potentials and shortcomings of the approach. Eight DWR studies in the field of professional and vocational education and training are summarized, and three of them are elaborated. Contributions of the studies cover new tools, conceptualizations and methods for VET. Shortcomings bring forth researcher’s dual role and lack of evidence on sustainable development after study processes. In conclusion I state that DWR offers rich and solid theoretical and methodological tools for VET researchers. However, they need to develop concepts that combine different dimensions of research, and not to forget to elaborate their study results from societal and individual perspectives.

Author Biography

Marianne Teräs, Stockholm University

Department of Education

Associate Professor, Docent


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How to Cite

Teräs, M. (2017). Transforming vocational education and training in Finland: Uses of developmental work research approach. Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 7(2), 22–38.