Yrkesutbildningsutmaningar i nya tider – vilken väg ska vi ta?
[Vocational education and training in new times – what is the best way forward?]
Vocational education & training, socio-economic developmentAbstract
Vocational education and training is amongst the educational areas drawing the biggest attention by mass media and a key topic of political debate in Sweden. This is by no means surprising if we take into account that nearly half of Swedish youngster follows any of the vocational training lines offered at upper secondary education. But, is this a unique ´Swedish discussion`? Are there other international frame factors influencing and some how conditioning the discussion about the strategic importance of VET? If, so which are these frame factors? This paper attempts to give initial answer to these questions by contextualizing VET discussion in Sweden from an international perspective that includes social transformations from modernity to the so called postmodernity and the impact on work market demands. The paper present these new demands, as well as qualifications required. The chapter uses a wide range of references that includes Education For All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report of 2012 focused on the third goal of Education for All, that is to ensure that all young people have the opportunity to acquire skills. The urgency of reaching this goal has sharpened acutely since 2000 as a consequence of a global economic downturn impacting on unemployment. The paper intends to contribute to better understanding of the challenges as well to create awareness and encourage discussion in different contexts and levels, that is vocational school, VET teacher training, policy making and VET planning.
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