Lærings- og arbeidsvaner hos lærlinger

[Learning and work habits among apprentices]


  • Per E. Garmannslund Universitetet of Agder, Norway
  • Hilde Witsø Universitetet of Agder, Norway




Vocational education and training, apprentices; learning- and work habits, volition, documentation requirements


In this paper, we present a study that focuses on the vocational education and train-ing (VET) system in Norway and the part of the training undertaken in training es-tablishments. The purpose of the study is to examine whether the use of an electronic monitoring tool improves the apprentices’ learning- and work habits as well as their professional awareness.

The study is twofold. Firstly, we used a quantitative design to illuminate the phe-nomenon of ‘volition’, as an expression of learning and work habits. In this part of the study 64 apprentices answered a questionnaire. Secondly, we conducted a quali-tative study in which three apprentices were interviewed about their experiences with the electronic monitoring tool and what it entails in terms of their learning and work habits, as well as their professional awareness.

Findings indicate that the electronic monitoring tool helps to reinforce communi-cation between the apprentices and instructors. In addition, findings indicate that apprentices reflection and effort increases, which can be an important contribution to appropriate learning and work habits.

In sum, our findings suggest that an electronic monitoring tool appears to con-tribute positively to both appropriate learning and work habits, as well as manage-ment of apprentices’ understanding of their future professional responsibilities.


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How to Cite

Garmannslund, P. E., & Witsø, H. (2017). Lærings- og arbeidsvaner hos lærlinger: [Learning and work habits among apprentices]. Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 7(1), 23–41. https://doi.org/10.3384/njvet.2242-458X.177123



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