De fem A’er: En evalueringsmodel for læreprocesser på erhvervsuddannelserne
[The five A’s: An assessment model for vocational education]
assessment, dynamic assessment, formative assessment, the five A-model, vocational educationAbstract
This article develops the contours of a new Five A-model for assessment practices in vocational education. The model develops a combination of the Five A-model taken from creativity research with empirical studies of vocational education. The rationale is to create a basis for description, analysis and development of assessment in vocational education. The Five A-model presents a heuristic method used to describe and reflect on basic assessment practices in vocational education studying the simultaneously related and dynamically interacting role of respectively actors, action, audiences, artefacts and affordances for assessment. On this basis, the article asks not only how research on assessment developed vital distinctions between summative and formative assessment, but also how the idea of formative assessment can be a vehicle to further development of artefacts supporting boundary crossing between schools and learning in the workplace, and furthermore, how apprentices can take responsibility for their own assessment actions. Assessment practices are never neutral, but they contribute in themselves to the valorisation of particular practices, which is why researchers and practitioners in the field must continuously ask critical questions related to the consequences of assessment.
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