Lærerrollen der blev væk: Opbygningen af et transformativt lærerideal
[The disappearance of the vocational teacher’s role: The construction of a transformative teacher ideal]
vocational education, resistance, transformation, discontinuity, resonanceAbstract
This article raises the question if the role of the vocational teachers needs another teacher’s ideal. The foundation of the article is a rising tendency to describe the teacher’s role by other means than being a teacher and making the role of the teacher a matter of bringing students safely and easily to a learning outcome, through a teaching task described as both a supervisor, facilitator, motivator, and consultant.
The article commences by explaining the tendency to understand the vocational teacher by others means than a teacher. Through analysis of ideas from Gert Biesta, Hartmut Rosa and Andrea English, the article will point to a transformative teaching ideal as a way of understanding the role of the vocational teacher, and at the same time try to exemplify this teacher ideal through different types of vocational education. The article will conclude by arguing that a transformative understanding of the teacher’s role can be seen as a more embracing ideal as opposed to the current trend of constructivism, and at the same time as an ideal, that gives back the original teaching task to the teacher.
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