”Du har skött dig bra”: Återkoppling inom arbetsplatsförlagt lärande utifrån yrkeselevers upplevda läroplan
[‘You’re doing good’: Feedback in workplace-based learning from a perspective of the experienced curriculum]
experienced curriculum, the Child and Recreation Programme, workplacebased learning, people-centred service occupations, feedbackAbstract
The article examines upper secondary students’ experiences of assessment in workplace-based learning. The research question is how the students express their self-experienced progression through their participation in feedback in workplaces. In a focus group interview study, 70 students from the Child and Recreation Programme in 10 Swedish schools participated when they were halfway through their education. Four themes emerged as the students reconciled and bridged over the discontinuities between assessment in school and in workplace-based learning. These comprised making sense of 1) explicit and 2) inconspicuous feedback, 3) a suitability for the job, and 4) a vocational attitude that was childcare or customer-oriented. The students engaged in self-assessment directed at open-ended goals of personal self-discovery and in relation to people-cantered service occupations. In line with the findings, a more generous and encompassing or divergent view of assessment of vocational becoming in workplace-based learning is advocated.
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