Kvalitetsutveckling av digitala trepartssamtal i svensk yrkeslärarutbildning
[Quality development of digital trialogues in Swedish vocational teacher education]
Digital trialogues, teacher training practice, teaching strategies, scientific basis, Protocol for Language Arts Teaching Observations (PLATO)Abstract
This article describes the developmental work of feedback for students during their practicum periods at the vocational teacher education programme at Karlstad University. The vocational teacher education programme is based on distance studies which implies that the students can be spread all over the country. Although the students participate in some campus meetings, the university teachers are not able to visit students during their practicum periods of the programme. A digital conference tool, Adobe Connect, is therefore used for communication with the students and their supervisors in practicum. This article describes the developmental work of using the digital conference tool, which includes a filmed sequence of the student’s teaching. The filmed sequences are later shared and discussed in a group of fellow students and a teacher. The article also describes how a model inspired by the research-based Plato manual of discussing these teaching sequences is taking form. The intention of using this model is to proceed towards a joint research-based approach among the colleagues, and in this way improve the feedback to students regarding teaching strategies and instruction.
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