Fra logg til blogg: Yrkesfaglæreres digitale kompetanseutvikling gjennom designbasert praktikerforskning
[From log to blog: Vocational teachers’ digital competence development through design-based practitioner research]
practitioner research, vocational didactics, teacher’s professional digital competence, ePortfolios, boundary learningAbstract
Professional digital competences (PDC) have a significant influence on Norwegian and international innovation in education and have been extended to include several aspects of the teacher’s role. There is a need for more research on vocational teachers/education in general, and specifically on digital competence. This article is an intervention study in Norwegian vocational education and training, exploring the development of vocational teacher’s professional digital competences through design-based practitioner research. The aim has been to study how the implementation of a new artefact, using blog as an ePortfolio and a boundary object, influence the practitioner researcher’s and vocational teacher colleagues’ development of PDC. The study was carried out in subjects of vocational specialisation with youth enterprise as the method. The results and analysis contribute to identifying participatory knowledge about vocational teachers’ development opportunities and competence profile related to the use of technology as boundary objects and the further establishment of new boundary-crossing practices. This study contributes to an expanded understanding of vocational teachers’ competence profile and development opportunities related to PDC, and the case contributes with increased knowledge about how practitioner research provides opportunities for development.
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