A PRIDE-theory-based analysis of a positive learning environment in a Finnish vocational education and training (VET) institution
vocational education and training (VET), positive learning environment, PRIDE theory, student well-beingAbstract
The aim of this study was to analyse Finnish students’ perceptions of a positive learning environment. Because of the reform of Finnish vocational education and training (VET) and the recent decrease of students’ well-being, it is important to study how students’ well-being and learning can be enhanced. This study applied the PRIDE theory to describe the positive learning environment. The acronym PRIDE is derived from these words: positive practices, relationship enhancement, individual attributes, dynamic leadership, and emotional well-being. The data was collected with semi-structured student interviews (N=12) from a northern Finnish VET institution. The interviews were analysed with a theory-based content analysis leaning on the PRIDE theory. The research provided important information of the positive learning environment from the students’ perspective, through which learning environments that support students’ well-being and learning can be designed and developed in VET. In addition, the study provided an example of how to use the PRIDE theory for analysing positive learning environments and education.
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