How does it feel? An exploration of teaching perceptive sensoriality in hairdressing education
vocational knowledge, teaching, (perceptive) sensoriality, hairdressing, classroom, didactics, metaphorsAbstract
This study explores vocational didactics and embodied knowledge in hairdressing education by studying how perceptive sensoriality is used by teachers and students in creating shared understandings of vocational knowledge. Among multiple actions, touch is distinguished as a central resource in learning the vocation, as it emerges in interaction between teacher and student related to the ongoing teaching and its assignment. The data is based on video-recordings displaying how touch is used in manipulating objects and material, or in assessing qualities and defects. In such instances, touch becomes a diagnostic criterion (Goodwin, 1997) to investigate how the material worked with can be evaluated and handled. To bridge the gap between individual and collective vocational knowledge, metaphors are of use. The results show two approaches to the teaching of perceptive sensoriality. In order to learn the vocational subject content the teaching need to provide for and practice the individual’s embodied sense of touch as well as the vocation’s verbalised collective feel. This is the core of the didactical challenge.
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