Implementation of digital tools in VET: Experienced support and technology acceptance




technology acceptance, digital tools, digital vocational education, experienced support, vocational learning settings


Among pressures and challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, progressive digitalisation has resulted in changes in vocational learning environments. Therefore, a well-planned and didactically sensible implementation of digital tools is indispensable. The aim of this article is to discuss how experienced support from teachers/trainers influences trainees’ acceptance of digital note-taking apps and video conferencing systems, and what requirements there are for support. These factors were measured based on the technology acceptance model and social support theory using an online questionnaire (mixed methods) of 891 trainees from different training occupations in Germany.

The results show, that ‘Support trough instruction/communication/time resources/ organisation’ is relevant for the embedding of digital tools at the learning venues schools and workplaces. Experienced support influenced trainees’ technology acceptance of the tools. In summary, didactically sensible teaching of basic digital skills ensures progress in the sense of digitalisation and, thus, the future employees of ‘Industry 4.0’ emerge from ‘Vocational Education 4.0’.


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How to Cite

Würges, S., & Aprea, C. (2024). Implementation of digital tools in VET: Experienced support and technology acceptance. Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 14(2), 78–104.