From doing to learning: Students’ self-evaluation and reflective practices in VET




vocational knowledge, self-evaluation, feedback, instructional scaffolding, reflective practices, digital driving simulator


This study aims to investigate the conditions for students’ self-evaluation and reflective practices when dealing with the learning of skills in a range of different settings in vocational education and training (VET), in the natural resource programme with simulated and authentic teaching practices and learning environments, for example digital driving simulation, as well as environments with authentic machines. The empirical basis of the study consists of extensive data generated during fieldwork in the form of interviews, field notes, and observations in simulator centres, authentic school environments and classrooms. The results show that simulation-based teaching and learning have created opportunities to develop practices that foster students’ evaluation and regulation of their learning, through the implementation of specific tools that focus on triggering students’ reflections on specific vocational skills and competence. The analysis also shows that feedback and reflective practices could be understood as an evaluation tool for task completion against specific set standards in pedagogical design. But also, as a practice of socialisation and transformation for the students, with the aim to provide them with the kinds of tools that may foster creativity and collaborative practices in the vocational training and their future profession.


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How to Cite

Messina Dahlberg, G., & Gustavsson, S. (2024). From doing to learning: Students’ self-evaluation and reflective practices in VET. Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 14(2), 55–77.