What constitutes a conducive learning environment in VET?





learning environment, curricular factors, social factors, authenticity, student-teacher relations, role model


Based on a review of international research, this article summarises the key factors identified as shaping a conducive learning environment at vocational schools. The factors are exemplified with data from an empirical study conducted at 13 Danish VET schools.

We distinguish between curricular factors, i.e., the organisation, form, and content of teaching and training, and social factors, i.e., students’ relationships and social inter-actions with peers and teachers.

Key curricular factors include giving students authentic, vocationally relevant tasks where they play an active role in and share responsibility for their own learning. Other important factors include that teachers tailor training to the individual, convey positive expectations concerning student performance, help students to set and achieve realistic goals, and offer regular feedback. Likewise, it has impact on the learning environment that the teaching is practice-related and that the teachers work closely with trainers at workplaces offering apprenticeships.

Key social factors include teachers establishing positive relationships with their students, acting as role models. Furthermore, it is important that teachers nurture a positive social environment among students. As such, a well-functioning learning environment requires teachers to have not only the relevant vocational skills but also a range of social and personal competences.


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How to Cite

Wahlgren, B., & Aarkrog, V. (2024). What constitutes a conducive learning environment in VET?. Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 14(2), 105–126. https://doi.org/10.3384/njvet.2242-458X.24142105