Roles of science and research in vocational teacher preparation: A case study from a Norwegian VET teacher programme
vocational teacher training, research-based education, vocational education and training, scienceAbstract
Bridging vocational skills and scientific principles can pose challenges in vocational education and training (VET) teacher programmes. This study aims to enhance such programmes by exploring the potential of reflective practices among students and educators on the nature of science and research in VET contexts. Engaging VET teacher students with multidisciplinary backgrounds in a learning community, the study explores how to further develop research-based teacher training by ‘nudging’ student cooperation. A pedagogical course designed to appreciate students’ prior experiences aimed at preparing them to reflect upon their own professional development from a scientific perspective. Using five focus group interviews with 19 first-year students, the study identifies and explains four key factors for quality in VET teacher training: relevance of pedagogical theory, the value of a multidisciplinary approach, recognition of students’ VET backgrounds, and the importance of community in learning. The findings emphasise the significance of creating coherence between research, vocational skills, educational theory, and real-world applications to develop quality in VET teacher training. This study has implications for educators and policymakers, underlining the need for a comprehensive approach to research-based VET teacher competence that integrates personal, academic, and professional elements.
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