Forsker-praktiker-samarbejde som et ligeværdigt videns- og læringsrum: Et didaktisk anliggende
[Creating knowledge equity and a social learning space in practitioner-researcher collaborations: A didactic perspective]
knowledge triangle, practitioner-researcher collaboration, self-study, learning space, vocational education and trainingAbstract
This article explores collaboration between research, education, and practice in vocational education and training, framed as a knowledge triangle. The purpose is to offer insight into how knowledge triangle collaboration can be designed didactically to facilitate an equitable knowledge and learning space, in which the perception of research as the producer and owner of knowledge and idea of knowledge transfer are reconsidered. Based in a self-study methodology, empirical experiences from a network meeting between researchers and practitioners are analysed. The theoretical exploration of knowledge collaboration is done in two parts. Firstly, by referring to Dewey’s understanding of knowledge, didactic principles for a network meeting are analysed. Secondly, Wenger-Trayner and Wenger-Trayner’s conceptualisation of social learning spaces is used to understand interactions between didactic principles and network participants. The study highlights the importance of embracing uncertainty and maintaining self-critical dialogue in knowledge collaboration. Ethical considerations arise regarding egalitarianism in researcher-practitioner collaboration, emphasising the need for ongoing dialogue and adaptation.
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