Integrated teaching for vocational knowing: A systematic review of research on nursing-related vocational education and training
Integrated teaching, nursing, vocational education, vocational knowing, systematic reviewAbstract
The aim for this review was to systematize, describe and critically analyse previous research concerning school-based integrated teaching for vocational knowing in nursingrelated training in upper secondary and in higher level education. Searches were conducted in four databases, two specifically for Swedish hits, and two for international hits. Also, search was made in a Nordic journal on vocational education and training. References in included studies were also assessed for further inclusion of studies. Altogether, 14 studies were included and assessed for quality and coherence with GRADE CERQual. Review findings comprised three types of integrated teaching, through embeddedness or streaks, problem-based learning, and between school and workplace; vocational knowing relating to a professional and academic context; and methodological significance for the vocational knowing highlighted in the studies. In conclusion, the methodological approach typically used in the primary studies related to a quantitative approach, which was also discerned as quality measure. The primary studies brought forward a partial understanding of integrated teaching and vocational knowing, which is dependent on the methodological approach. In order to enhance understanding about the research topic, there is a need for more studies on integrated teaching utilizing a qualitative approach.
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