Att undervisa för utveckling av yrkeskunnande i vård och omsorg
[Teaching for development of vocational knowledge in health care]
Health care didactics, didactic principles, vocational knowledge, sociocultural perspective, nursing assistantsAbstract
The aim of this study was to examine didactic principles in health care teachers’ description of their teaching practices, and how these principles were intertwined with vocational knowledge. In addition, characteristics of a health-care didactical approach were explored. Theoretical framework was based on Vygotsky’s sociocultural perspective and Lave and Wenger’s situated learning. 17 health-care teachers, working with adolescents or adults, were interviewed. The findings showed that vocational knowledge and didactic principles were often intimately intertwined. Didactic principles were dialogicity, work-links, variation, relational environment and language development. The healthcare didactical approach highlighted the development of students, both as health-care givers and as persons, through interactions with teachers and peers, and the teachers acted as boundary-crossing role models. The health-care didactical approach also involved the students’ language development. Issues that need to be reflected on are if the emphasis on feminine-coded vocational knowledge is too strong in relation to the programme objectives, and if reading and writing as teaching forms are too marginalised.
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