Praksisnærhed i erhvervsskolens naturfagsundervisning gennem betydende overgange
transfer of knowledge, practiceAbstract
Relation to practice in vocational science education through consequential transitions: Relation to practice is often used as a teaching principle in vocational science education. The principle is based on the assumption that it improves students’ possibilities to do a more effective transfer of knowledge between a school context and a context of professional practice. In the paper we deploy a sociocultural perspective to present a nuanced concept of practice that leads us to conceive transfer in terms of consequential transitions among practices. Relation to practice as a pedagogical principle should build on the clarity of which practices students are invited to participate in, and how teaching facilitates different consequential transitions among them.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Paola Valero, Peer S. Daugbjerg, Karin Løvenskjold Svejgaard

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